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Staff Favorites Submission Form

Here are a few helpful documents for your employment with the Soup Peddler! Some of these are pretty boring-sounding, admittedly, but you'll need to fill them out / study them.

Policies and Procedures

W-4 Form

I-9 Form 

Direct Deposit Form

Health Insurance Documents

Enrollees may now use the Ease Portal to view their current plan and make updates to their profile!

Where To Go For Care

Summary Of Benefits And Coverages: HMO and PPO

Health Insurance FAQ (really, really recommend you read this)

Health Insurance Enrollment/Change Form 

Use this link to find a doctor/PCP IN THE APPROPRIATE NETWORK for the form.
1. Select “In the United States”
2. Select “Choose a Location” and enter the zip code you’d like to search in
3. Click on “Browse a List of Plans” under the Prefix lookup
4. Select “Texas, Blue Cross and Blue Shield” and Confirm Selection
5. Complete your search

Health Insurance Enrollment/Change Form (Spanish)

Health Insurance Summary Plan Description (legalese you're required to skim and forget)

COBRA Election Form (outgoing employees)

Soup Peddler Research

The Soup Peddler Documentary: Part One & Part Two

Check out this video on how to eliminate soup waste

There's some good stuff to watch on YouTube as well